Candolim liegt nördlich des Flusses Mandovi und ist Heimat von Goas populärstem und bekanntestem Urlaubsresort. Daher ist es auch kein typisches Ziel für Rucksacktouristen. Der Strand von Candolim selbst hat im Vergleich zu seinem lebendigeren Nachbarn Calangute nicht viel zu bieten. Wenn Sie aber nur Sonne und ab und zu eine Abkühlung brauchen, dann ist Candolim genau das Richtige für Sie. Eine der interessanteren Attraktion am Candolim-Strand ist das Frachtschiff „River Princess“, das knapp 100 Meter vor der Küste auf Grund lief. Sehenswert ist auch die Festung Aguada, die von den Portugiesen im Jahr 1512 als Verteidigung gegen die Holländer und Marathen gebaut wurde. Candolim ist auch am Abend ein beliebtes Ziel, da es eine Reihe sehr guter Restaurants und Nachtclubs zu bieten hat.

Another beautiful beach of Goa is the Candolim Beach. It is the very first beach which can be reached from the Panaji city. The beach presents its visitors with soft glittering sand and an unforgettable sight of sea. The sight of massive waves waving at you constantly is something which will form a permanent place in your memories. The place is soothing and perfect for those who wish to spend some time amidst the natural beauty of nature.
Although most part of this beach has been acquired by the beach resort Fort Aguada and various other tour companies, the beach is still popular visited by many tourists. For stay this is one of the most famous places. You will find many hotels as well which offer budget stay and are located quite close to the beach.
The place is quite lively with various shacks selling cheap clothes and accessories as well as handicraft works. You will also find many masseuse offering massages at the beach. There are many restaurants at the beach offering Indian, Italian, and Continental as well as local sea food. You can sit at one of the shacks and enjoy a drink or two along with mouthwatering delicacies accompanying it. If you are looking for some excitement and thrill, then this beach is the perfect place for you to be at. You can go for activities such as Parasailing and Water skiing. There are many other water sports as well. There are also boat trips for spotting dolphins. As it gets extremely busy during the weekends, it is always better to book for your chosen activity way in advance.
For information regarding travel and other travel related assistance you can visit to Calangute which is located nearby.